Monday, April 21, 2008

Celebrity Foot Crossers

I am known for telling stories...stories of my childhood, stories of a funny thing (at least I think so) that happened once, and stories about other people's stories. I tell them in great detail and with great enthusiasm which also causes them to be great in length as well. By Junior High my friends would respond to one of my tome's with a snarky "what color was the chair". This was an obvious attempt by my best gal pal's to tell me "Wrap it up chica...way TMI!" Anyway, my passion for storytelling has since sparked my complete and total fascination over absolutely nothing and yes, I will turn that into a story somehow too. Skip ahead from Junior High twenty years and you have me telling stories via my very first blog. Insane Random Observances is my way of saying I'll prattle on endlessly about absolutely nothing significant and I will do it with unbridled enthusiasm. So here we go...

Celebrity foot crosser's...they're everywhere and now that I've pointed it out you will notice it too. What is it about donning haute couture and hitting the red carpet that causes celebrities to suddenly feel like they have to stand hands smartly placed on hips and feet oh so conveniently and coyly crossed? Is this a compulsion or is it listed in the celebrity handbook as Tip to look 10 pounds lighter in a photo. I'm not sure but I know every time I see it I wonder when the first (and not so bright) one will forget they've taken this particularly awkward stance and try to walk without first uncrossing the legs. This of course leads to a precarious fall, a major wardrobe malfunction and an eventual role on another reality TV show.

I'm sure it's just an attempt to look striking and slim (and who can blame anyone...especially an overly criticized celebrity...for that) but it plagues me none the less. It's just SO prefabricated and contrived that it merits my fascination and a blog about this completely insane random observance.

Oh...and in case you were wondering...the chair was blue.

Love, hugs and shoes...sweet ass gal

1 comment:

Samantha said...

hey mama, not gonna lie. this is pretty addicting. i dont think that i will EVER be able to look at an "US weekly" the same way ever again!
love ya, Sam